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A Little Known Way of Obtaining Citizenship

Aug 05, 2021

If you were born in Australia and at least one of your parents was an Australian citizen at the time then you are automatically an Australian citizen. This is referred to as Citizenship by Birth.

If you were born overseas and at least one of your parents was an Australian citizen at the time then you may be eligible to apply for Australian Citizenship. This is referred to as Citizenship by Conferral. This type of application can be complicated particularly if the applicant or the Australian citizen parent is not in Australia.

Another form of Citizenship by Conferral is when a person holding a permanent resident visa applies for citizenship based on their meeting the criteria for being granted citizenship.

Can a child born in Australia, whose parents were not Australian citizens at the time, or may still not be Australian citizens, be granted Australian Citizenship? The short answer is ‘Yes!’ This can happen in two ways:

  • A parent is a permanent resident at the time the child is born
  • If the child is born in Australia and lives continuously in Australia until they turn ten years of age, regardless of their parents’ visa status.

Citizenship applications can be complicated. For example, what happens when a child is born:

  • Outside Australia on a ship or plane
  • Adopted
  • Abandoned children
  • Born after the death of a parent
  • Born in New Guinea prior to 16 September, 1975

At VisasOnline we have the expertise to guide you through the citizenship process. Take the first step towards citizenship by completing the contact form or phoning 0480108884

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